When we don't take full responsibility for our experiences, we often feel at the effect of our environment, which includes others whom we perceive to have more power than we do, those we have elevated to positions of authority, situations we believe were caused by others, unlucky circumstances seemingly out of our control and even our own dominant thoughts and feelings that seem to consistently take the driver's seat of our lives.
When we don't take full responsibility for our experiences, we are often unconsciously driven by a greater and greater need to control our environment whenever a threat is perceived. And because we generally feel at the effect of so much in our environment, almost everything in it can be perceived as a threat.
When we don't take full responsibility for our experiences, we tend not to trust our environment, or those who populate it, because it doesn't feel like we have the power to change it.
This feeling of powerlessness can be pervasive, yet generally lives beneath the surface of our awareness because actually acknowledging feelings of powerlessness can be terrifying. Rather than confront our feelings of powerlessness, and allow that encounter to ignite an inner revolution that reveals the inherent nature of our power, we don the role of victim and promote blame as the true and justifiable scapegoat for all our struggles and misfortune.
It seems many people now, perceiving themselves to be threatened and not just by the virus, have become compelled in their attempts to forcefully dominate their environments in an effort to find relief from feeling powerless.
Yet the antidote to feeling powerless is not most effectively realized by expending Herculean effort to force everything into a strict compliance protocol dependent upon total control of our external environment for maximum safety. No matter how much we believe that strategy is the answer, it will never be sustainable and will never allow us to know, acknowledge and embody our natural inherent power absent of any need to dominate.
Taking radical responsibility in our lives is the antidote for feelings of powerlessness. It requires the courage and conviction to stop outsourcing power by making anything other than ourselves responsible for our experience. It may seem like an insurmountable challenge. Yet I assure you, not only are you fully capable of claiming your power, you are entitled to possess it as your innate human heritage.